Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Waiting is a hairy, wart-covered, slimey finger in ur butthole.

The title is self explanatory, I am antsy in the pantsy, and patience is a virtue far far out of reach. On Wed, I will be visiting the city that keeps my soul, and excitement is too timid a word to describe my feeling towards this trip.
It is not so much the city (although I DO whole-heartedly love New York); I have been there a number of times, September being the last. It is just that I have been DYING for an escape from routine and familiarity and monotony.

I am itching for endless buildings and eternal lights and deliverable Mickey D's.

This was taken on my summer trip to NYC. lol. CLEARLY, one of those "only in America" situations.

Well, anywho, I am preoccupying my time with much fulfilling things. I saw the loves of my lives today. We did the usual, acted a got damn fool: blasted the stereos at target, danced in the aisles, drove 2 miles an hour on a backed up road, experienced two pull-overs by the po-po's.

I love them dearly.
My favorite pictures of the night.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Twenty-ten, how futuristic.

Well look at that. Its the second day of the second decade of the third millennium. Just like that, New Years came and went.
Don't worry, I won't lollygag on the list of memorable events that occurred during these past 10 years. Thats what TIME magazine is for.
I will say, at least, that the past year of MY life was....well, I guess I'd use the word progressive. I learned more about myself and realized that I was being blinded by my own generosity and compassion. I realized how important it is to rid life of its toxins. So I ripped them out. My life was a nose and I was one of those pore cleansing strip thingies that rip blackheads and gunk from your face. (God, was that a horribly corny analogy.)

2009 was a year to let go of the heaviness of my past and to drop the bags I had been carrying on my back. Not to sound all sentimental and "ex-emo", but I have never been so content and legitimately HAPPY with my life as a whole.
Well anyhow, now I am going into twenty-ten fresh-faced and positive-minded.

And BO-HO-HOY! I most DEFINITELY started the year off right by going to Wale's back to back sold out show at the 9:30 Club. It was of course, insane. Nothing beats rockin' to 90210 and Shades and Mirror off his new album Attention Deficit (which I should also add is probably my favorite album of '09) AND in the same show throwin' my hands up to go-go classics that non-dc natives know nothing about. It was fire. Hot sick nasty fire.
Unfortunately though, I was told by 9:30 club staff that I could not take pictures. Actually pictures WERE allowed...just not with a "good camera" they said. Soooo, my poor D-SLR was locked away from me until the show was over.
In the absence of pictures, please enjoy a track from his INGENIOUS album. Courtesy of Youtube.

Friday, December 25, 2009

An Impossible Task

you forced me to pull out all my hair.

and i cried for every singular strand

that hit the ground with a weight

that shook me

into even more convulsive

desire for you to reach out

and when I was done

you didn't even realize that I was bald.


the UPSIDE of deforestation

...okay, before you judge me for the title of this blog, let me explain. if the cutting down of trees did not occur, the fantabulous Audrey Kawasaki would not be able to create the little pieces of fan-fucking-tasticness that she does.
She paints these amazing imaginary women onto slabs of wood, allowing the grain to show through. It just even more-so compliments the serene (sometimes eerie) sensuality of it all.
My favorite artist hands down...AND it just HAPPENS that she has an exhibit from Dec 12 to Jan 9, 2010 in NYC. And i just HAPPEN to have a trip planned from the 6th to the 9th. I practically nutted when I found out.
if u are going to be in the area and u cant read the fine print: its at the jonathan levine gallery at 529 West 20th Street. on the 9th floor. OR u could click here for more info.

photos taken from www.audrey-kawasaki.com

Merry effin christmas

well...santa seemed to skip MY house this year. lol. but its all good, because i have this GAP video. When I kidnap that little blonde screaming girl at :21 seconds, I will be beyond content for many christmases to come.
note: that was a joke.

blogging is HARD

i am definetly sorry for the lack of bloggage. I never realized what a commitment blogging is. with all my youtube surfing, and facebook stalking, and window shopping on websites that i could never afford, it is easy to lose track of time. But my new years resolution will be to definitely blog more. Ive actually got followers n all that! news to me!

Big ups to mr. michael edwards who commented on one of my posts n i didnt even kno it. He is the shit if u didn't kno.
friend and all around artist extrodinare.
His up n coming blog is going to be the shit on top of shit. (thats a good thing!)
Click his picture or click HERE.
picture stolen from his facebook.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Lookbook approved

oh boy oh boy! so jus sayin, if you dont know about LOOKBOOK ur jus not hip to the game, to ANY game for that matter, to anything that could possibly be played with. yep, its okay though, because now you are.
the concept is simple: people post their outfits, other's comment, or "hype" them (kinda like the "like" button on facebook). The more hypes your outfit gets, the higher your chances are to get on the "HOT" page, the coveted holy grail.
its a lot more addicting than ive made it sound. see for yourself:
LOOKBOOK.nu: collective fashion consciousness.
oh, how time has been wasted on this god of a site.

anyway, i DO have a point. one that isnt just about my obsession. you see, lookbook is an invite only site. Either you get in by knowing someone already in it, or you apply, which I find has much more merit and so I went for it.
and by golly watdya kno...within a couple of hours I was in.
this....this right here....is the outfit that made the addiction official.

feel free to click on the massively sized picture to see my page. there is nothing there yet, but more is to come. and if YOU happen to have one, you BETTER seek me out.